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Don’t Abandon the Written Word
Want to be successful? Write exceptionally well

by John Hall / © 2020, Mansueto Ventures, LLC. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

Way back in 2012, Kyle Wiens, CEO of iFixit, wrote in a blog post for Harvard Business Review that he wouldn’t hire anyone who used poor grammar. In fact, he required all applicants to take a grammar test prior to moving forward.

  According to Wiens, he’s “found that people who make fewer mistakes on a grammar test also make fewer mistakes when they are doing something completely unrelated to writinglike stocking shelves or labeling parts.” What’s more, he believes that grammar skills indicate several other valuable traits, including learning ability, professional credibility and attention to detail.

  A year later, in 2013, Grammarly reviewed 100 LinkedIn profiles of native English speakers in the consumer packaged goods industry and found that:

•Professionals with fewer grammar mistakes in their profiles earned higher positions.

             •Fewer grammar errors correlated with increased promotions.

        •Fewer grammar errors were associated with frequent job changes or career mobility.

  Grammarly CEO Brad Hoover noted that while this was a small sample size, “this data set clearly supports the hypothesis that good grammar is a predictor of professional success.”


‘Good grammar is essential’

  Honestly ask yourself whether you’d hire someone with a poorly written résumé. Will this person be able to deliver on your business plan? How effectively will [they] be able to communicate your goals and expectations? How likely is it that this person will be able to successfully network with others and build your brand?

  In short, if you want to succeedas a boss or as an employeegood grammar is essential.


Writing is the foundation of all leadership communication

  “Great leaders can both unleash and harness the power of the written word and understand how to use it well in context,” wrote Kevin Daum in [an] article. As a leader, you must be able to manage, coordinate, motivate and support your team. Strong communication skills, both written and verbal, allow you to accomplish that. If you sent an employee poorly written instructions, how probable is it that you’ll both be disappointed in the outcomeand each other?


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