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Setting the Right Priorities in Life
Recognizing the importance of family and humility

How to have an amazing marriage and a winning business

by Jeremy Bodenhamer / © 2018, Mansueto Ventures, LLC. Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.

Entrepreneurs sacrifice a lot to get their businesses off the ground. There are countless stories of founders sleeping in cars or eating ramen to save money. But there are some things entrepreneurs can’t sacrifice. The two most important are also those that easily fall by the wayside with the hustle and bustle of building a business: our kids and our marriage.


Trying to repair the damage

  For all intents and purposes, I abandoned my marriage to build a business. I know, bad move. During this time, I kept telling myself that everything I was doing was for my family. Yes, it was a lie, but I believed it.

  For the past year and a half, I have been working to repair the damage I did. I cut my travel down to almost nothing. I sent others in my place or just said “no” unless it was imperative I go. I prioritized my marriage as my number one.

  And here is what I learned:

  1. You can’t undo the damage done to your family. You can only pray they give you the grace to start over.
  2. Relationships are fragile. It takes no effort to damage them, but [it] takes immense effort to repair damage that’s already been done.
  3. Nothing replaces quality time.
  4. No business need is greater than the daily need of an active and present father/mother in the home.
  5. I make better business decisions when I’m prioritizing my family.


A positive impact on business

  Prioritizing time for my marriage required me to shift my attention, allowing my mind a chance to slow down and reset. When I returned to work, the rest, relaxation and improvements in my personal life had an immediate impact.

  Take a deep breath and stop listening to all the voices that tell you to sacrifice your life for monetary success. Instead, do as Mother Teresa suggested and “go home and love your family.” You will feel refreshed, renewed and make better decisions when you get back to the office.



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